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The Titans meet a courageous and seemingly kind other-worldly hero named Val-Yor. He greets all of them, except Starfire, saying, "I see you have a Tamaranean", as if she is some sort of pet animal. The Titans don't seem to realize how offensive he is being. After surviving an attack from an alien race known as the Locrix, Val-Yor informs the kids that these robot creatures intend to take control of Earth. When the heroes volunteer to help, Val-Yor takes the five of them into space with him in his ship. He gives Robin, Beast Boy, Raven and Cyborg all jobs to do, completely ignoring Starfire when she asks what task SHE should complete. When Val-Yor's ship is boarded by a battalion of "Crixies" (slang for Locrixes), he calls each of the kids except Starfire to come help him fight. Assuming he simply forgot about her, Starfire joins the battle. When Starfire is fighting, she is knocked into Val-Yor, bumping into and nearly setting off the Quantum Eradicator, the device Val-Yor plans to use to destroy the Locrix. Val-Yor then shouts at Starfire to watch where she is going. When the menace is defeated and the ship secure, they all start walking back toward


Beast Boy amazed with Val-Yor

the control room. When she and he are alone, Starfire tries to apologize, saying she was only trying to help. Val-Yor angrily replies that he doesn't need any help from "a stupid Troq". Starfire is taken aback, although it is not yet disclosed to the viewer as to what a "Troq" is.

Starfire then avoids Val-Yor, and throughout the episode he calls her "Troq" and "Troqie". Not knowing what the word means, the Titans just assume it is a nickname, as Val-Yor had been referring to the rest of THEM using pet names, such as "Sunshine" (Raven), "Metal Butt", (Cyborg), "Spike" (Robin), and "Champ" (Beast Boy).

When Cyborg and Starfire are alone, he asks her what "Troq" means. She replies, "It means nothing." Cyborg misunderstands and thinks "Troq" doesn't mean anything, as Starfire's description was unclear. Later, when Starfire successfully completes an important task, Cyborg raises his hand for a high-five saying, "Way to go, Troqie!" &nbsp Starfire becomes angry and shouts at him for calling her that. He defends, "But you said it didn't mean anything!" Starfire then explains that it literally means "nothing", and that Val-Yor is implying that she is worthless. He encourages her that they must tell Robin. After Cyborg enlightens their team's leader, Robin and the other Titans lose all respect for Val-Yor.

When they have infiltrated the planet, Starfire helps Val-Yor install the Quantum Eradicator. When things begin to go awry, however, Starfire helps a physically hurt Val-Yor to safety against his wishes. Val-Yor is saved and the Locrix are defeated. When Robin demands he apologize, he reluctantly does so, saying that Starfire is "one of the good ones". This comment is still found racist, however, and Val-Yor leaves Earth for good.


  • Cyborg: Way to go, Troqie!
    Starfire: (gasps) You do not call me that!
    Cyborg: But Val-Yor calls you Troq all the time.
    Starfire: That does not make it right.
    Cyborg: What's up? I thought you said it didn't mean anything.
    Starfire: No. I said it means "nothing". When Val-Yor calls me "Troq", he is saying that I am worthless, a nothing.
    Cyborg: Star...
    Starfire: There are those on other planets that think Tamaraneans are inferior. Troq is what they call us.
    Cyborg: So he's calling you a terrible name. And you know that if you punch him out, it'll only confirm all the bad stuff he says about you?
    Starfire: Yes. You know what it is like to be judged simply by the way you look?
    Cyborg: Of course I do. I'm part robot.
  • Robin: (After Cyborg tells him about Val-Yor calling Starfire a Troq) Starfire, why didn't you say something? He will apologize. I'm going to...
    Starfire: No, Robin. Our mission is more important than my feelings.
  • Val-Yor: Thank you for all your help.
    Robin: Don't thank us, thank Starfire.
    Beast Boy: Yeah, she's the one who saved your sorry butt.
    (Val-Yor looks at Starfire who has a sad look on her face)
    Val-Yor: Thank you, Starfire. I must say you're not bad for a Tr- (Stops for a second) Tamaranean.
  • Robin: I'm sorry Val-Yor treated you like that. If I'd known, I'd never would've let it happen.
    Cyborg: None of us would.
    Starfire: There is nothing you could've done. There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.
  • Val-Yor: Raven, Beast Boy, you man the blasters!
    Raven: (glaring at Beast Boy) Do I get to blast whoever I want?